Solanum americanum
Miller, The Gardeners Dictionary no. 5. 1768. (Gard. Dict. (ed. 8))
Zhang et al., Flora of China Family 17: 317. 1996. (Fl. China)
Solanum photeinocarpum Nakamura & OdashimaNakamura & Odashima, Journal of the Society of Tropical Agriculture 8: 54. fig. 2 A-D. 1936. (J. Soc. Trop. Agr.)
Solanum alatum auct. non MoenchMasam., A list of vascular plants of Taiwan 101. 1954. (List Vasc. Taiwan)
客Nèu è cò. Ngiù er tsó.
Hui-Chun Hsu, Plant use knowledge of Hakka ethnobotany in Beipu township, Hsinchu county. Master thesis. National Pingtung University of Science and Technology . 2007. (Plant use knowledge of Hakka ethnobotany in Beipu township, Hsinchu county.)
Hsiao-Ting Wu, Plant use knowledge of Hakka ethnobotany in Dahu Township, Miaoli county. Master thesis. National Pingtung University of Science and Technology . 2007. (Plant use knowledge of Hakka ethnobotany in Dahu Township, Miaoli county.)
Yang, A list of plants in Taiwan . 1982. (List Pl. Taiwan)
- Annual herbs or short-lived perennials, glabrate or puberulent with simple hairs; stems green or purple, 0.25–1 m tall.
- Leaves ovate, 4–8 cm long, 2–4 cm wide, membranaceous, apex acute, base truncate to cuneate, entire or sparingly dentate, glabrate or sparsely pubescent on both sides; petiole 1–2 cm long.
- Inflorescences extra-axillary, subumbellate, 3–6(-l0)-flowered; peduncle 1–2.5 cm long; pedicel 5–10 mm long. Calyx 1.5–2 mm across, lobed to near middle, lobes ovate, pubescent outside, ciliate; corolla white, sometimes with a yellow eye, 3–5 mm long, lobed to middle or more, lobes ovate-oblong, 3–4 mm long, pubescent outside, ciliate; filaments short, puberulent, anthers 1–1.5 mm long; ovary glabrous, style mostly pubescent.
- Berry shiny black, occasionally ripening green, globose, 5–8 mm across; fruiting pedicel erect or nodding; fruiting calyx strongly reflexed; seeds discoid, 1.5–2 mm across.
- In some countries the leaves are used as a vegetable. <li>This species was long mistaken for <i>Solanum nigrum</i>, but its small anthers, shiny, erect fruit and reflexed fruiting calyx distinguish it from that species.</li>
Flowering and fruiting throughout the year.
- 台灣 : in waste places, roadsides, fields (100–2,000 m).
- 世界 : Perhaps native of South America, widespread in all tropical and temperate regions.
TAIPEI: Nankang, Wang 746; Tanshui, Peng 4506. ILAN: Tungao, Fenniaolin, Peng 15122. HSINCHU: Hengshan, Peng 13654. MIAOLI: Tonghsiao, Kao 5702. TAICHUNG: Taichung City, Yen 9372. NANTOU: Tungpu to Kuankao, Peng 8052; Keitou, Murata & Nishimura 39046. CHIAYI: Tungshi, Peng 6215; Auku, Liao 1691. TAINAN: Hsiaomeichin, Chen 20; Chiku, Wang & Yang 7972. KAOHSIUNG: Takangshan, D'Arcy 19269. PINGTUNG: Oluanpi, Lammers 8490. HUALIEN: Taroko Natl. Park, Peng 17037; Lienhuachih, Lu 23186.
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